Eco Companion Australasia
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Viewing and navigation tips

General navigation technique

Follow the normal practice of using your browser's "back" button to retrace your steps or jumping back with the browser's "Go" menu. When you want to jump to a different area of the site then use the page's "navigation bar".

Navigation bar

Every page has a navigation bar near the top. This is a quick way to get to each of the main areas of the site, such as the explanatory "about" pages or to the collection of "help" pages.

If you have entered the "member services" area (login with your username/password) then you can always jump to your customised member services page by selecting that option on the navigation bar.

Note that within the dynamic "member services" area, all pages are denoted by a coloured navigation bar, whereas all static help pages do not.

Best viewed with any WWW browser

Eco Companion is suitably viewed with any WWW browser. We have endeavoured not to use any browser-specific HTML elements or techniques. So any browser with support for HTML tables and forms should work.

However, see notes about known browser problems.

No advertising

We do not use on-screen advertising to support our business. We all find that to be way too distracting and annoying. You came to Eco Companion to find useful resources and will go elsewhere for other stuff.

Fast access without images

We make minimal use of images. So if you had "image loading" turned off when visiting those sites with useless, large, slow images and advertisements, then you can turn it back on for Eco Companion. We rely on text, document layout and small effective symbols to guide you through our site. Besides, text is good fodder for the search engines.

Contents menu on each page

Each page has a contents menu near the top of the page. This is a useful way to know what the page is about. Select an item to jump directly to the relevant section of the current page.

Site maps

Some very useful pages are the site maps, which list the available pages with a short description of each page. The explanatory "about" pages describe various aspects of the Eco Companion service. The collection of "help" pages explains how to use specific facilities.

"Quick start" bookmark page for members

The "Quick start" page provides members with a listing of links to the relevant areas of the site. Members should bookmark the "Quick start" page, the home page, and the "member services" entry page.

WWW pages in "member services" are automatically generated

Every page behind the member gateway is automatically generated and customised to the particular member. So there is no point bookmarking those pages.

JavaScript pop-up windows

When you log in to use member services, then our server will detect whether you have enabled JavaScript via your browser "Preferences". If so, while you are within the dynamic "member services" area, you will find that pop-up windows are used for various help and explanatory documents. This feature applies to all static pages that will take you outside the dynamic "member services" area. As explained above, the pages within the dynamic "member services" area have a coloured navigation bar and the static help pages do not. If you want to disable this pop-up feature, then you need to turn off JavaScript via your browser "Preferences" and then log in again.

Useful search facilities

Sophisticated search facilities are always available to find exactly the information that you need. Also remember to use your browser's "find in page" function.

Last Modified: 21 September 2001