IndexGeo Spatial Data Directory - development and testing

This is a test HTTP-Z39.50 gateway to interrogate some ASDD nodes that have Onlink-Linkage to WMS Web Mapping Services and layers.

How it operates

The gateway conducts a search of various ASDD geospatial data nodes to discover metadata records that specifically have links to online data services.

Some Australian nodes have extended ANZLIC XML metadata using the <onLineSrc> elements from ISO 19115.

Following a search, the gateway will list the brief titles (as per normal). It will show a link to the full dataset description (the F Element Set) and another link to the "resource" (using the R Element Set).

The Resource Element Set just extracts the relevant linkage metadata and returns a concise record, showing any links from the metadata. Follow the links to access the online services.

Hint: Use the Record Syntax option on the search interface to show the metadata as either HTML, TEXT, XML.


An extended XML DTD was developed to enhance the ANZMETA v1.3 DTD to add some Page 1 elements for online linkage (following ISO 19115). See enhanced DTD.

Some minimal metadata records were created to provide the additional linkage metadata.

The indexing facility ("anzmeta" Isearch doctype) in the Isite information server was enhanced to respond to the Z39.50 R Element Set.

This gateway is searching in the OnLineSrc/appProfile (2022) for the string "get-map" and in the OnLineSrc/appProfile (2022) for the string "WMS". (For simplicity's sake, no spatial search is being conducted yet.)

See some issues listed at the bottom of the interface page.

Other demonstrations

The future

Any Australian data custodian and service provider can now add records to current ASDD nodes to allow for service discovery and access.

One possibility is to integrate a Z39.50 gateway with a mapserver interface to provide a "Search for more layers" capability (i.e. the "find-and-bind").

Current gateway issues

Under development: